Friday, January 14, 2011

Nepal Sambat implementation issue, problems and suggestive corrective measures.

by Pramod Shrestha on Saturday, November 20, 2010 at 5:46pm

A repetitive cycle completes in 3 years with 1095 days, the first and second being 12 months (354/355 days) and the third being 13months (386 days)Now, If I understand correctly existing calendar is having 365 days in average. If we adopt the basics of Gregorian calendar on it with 29/30 alternate months, will come more near. It will be same as Gregorian calendar.

1. One day addition in every 4 multiple years.
2 . No more addition of one day in multiples of 100 years.
3. Addition of one day in multiples of 400 years.

Nepal Sambat is approx. 354 days a year having 29.53 average days in a month.  Even, in my opinion, so far posiible we should adopt Nepal Sambat independly. The problems are

1. Tithis are not continuous (missings, repeatations occured)  for recording dates :
-----we can adopt 29/30 alternate months as a  solution
2. 13 months salary or yearly accounts  in every 3 years :
----- weekly or daily accounts canbe a solution
3. Compatibilty with world date (solar or Gregorian calendar )
------Total 95 years cylcle can be a solution ( Total 34698 days cycle )

Nepal Sambat can be implemented if we agree 30 / 29 days months alternates , 7 months + 3 days additions in 19 years distributed in approx. equal periods of time, making 3 months of - 29 to 30 and moreover 3 days addition in 95 years, distributed in approx. equal periods of time making 3 months of - 29 to 30.

In this case: Total days will be 34698 in Solarised or Gregorinised lunar calendar for 95 years.

Gregorian year = 365.2425 gives 34698 days in 95 years I dont say, it is the only way but the Tithi is period of 19 hrs to 26 hrs, we cannot match with solar calendar, if we seek for accurate tithi then we must agree to have one more calendar like Gregorian or other solar in the front and Nepal sambat will be used as cultural only. My concerns is if we can use Nepal Sambat independently.

The additional months every 3 years in our system is also a correction. If you see 7 extra months in 19 years means , the same concept as we are following, every 3 year we are having one extra "Adhik Mas", instead we can choose extra months in these years 3rd, 6th , 9th, 11th, 13th , 16th, 19th. Our expert can have option to choose which month will have 29 and which will have 30, as per cultural importances, priority.

When I compare calendar of 30/29 days month with actual tithi, there is difference of only maximum one tithi . It will be be same number as Tithi for few days and differ by one for few days ..Likewise it will continue. we do have complexities, there is no doubt but even we have to try our best to get maximum use of Nepal Sambat independently.  Many ideas will emmerged out by many intellectuals and experts once discussions started. I must agree that only changing Nepal Sambat like Gregorian will not give ultimate solution, if so then Nepal Sambat will be limited to a cultural aspects only and and for all the official records we need parallel calendar (Gregorian or any whichever is best). Nepal Sambat cannot be independent. Few people argue that Nepal Sambat can be implemented and is scientific. We must understand the limitations of Nepal Sambat calendar as well. Those who think Nepal Sambat is practical as it is, they must agree that Nepal Sambat isnot practical independently and must stop speaking of implementation without base.  However, at the last, if we use Nepal Sambat as a cultural aspect only then main sambat (Gregorian or other) will be dominating that and we cannot feel there is Nepal Sambat. The value of Nepal Sambat will be very very less. We must be ready to accept that we are loosing the value of Nepal Sambat. 

Here, an attempt is made synchronise Nepal Sambat with solar system, keeping main characteristics of Nepal Sambat as it is.

 A spreadsheet 95 years calendar sample can be provided for comparison and study further.


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